Building Permits

Work Commencing BEFORE a Permit has been Issued

If work has started for which a permit is required and you have not obtained a permit first, a special investigation shall be made before a permit may be issued for the work. An investigation fee established by the municipality shall be collected whether or not a permit is issued and it is in addition to the required permit fees, but it may not exceed the permit fee. See MN Statute 1300.0160 FEES Subp. 8


 What items need Building / Zoning Permits?

  • New Construction
  • Detached Garages
  • Basement Finishes or Alterations
  • Decks and platforms more than 30 inches above adjacent grade and attached to a structure with frost footings.
  • Fences - over 7 feet in height
  • Accessory Buildings exceeding 200 square feet. Zoning permit required if under 200 square feet.  
  • Retaining Walls - over 4 feet in height from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall. If under 4 feet and supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II, III A liquids. 
  • Additions
  • Swimming Pools exceeding 48 inches in depth and over 100 square feet in surface area.
  • Almost all plumbing, mechanical and electrical work
  • Solar Panels
  • Roofing and siding
  • Demolition 


Permits shall not be required for the following:

  • Swings and other playground equipment
  • Painting, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, countertops and other similar finish work. 
  • Concrete work not part of the items listed above.

 MN Rules 1300.0120 subd. 4 - exemptions from permit requirements of the code do not authorize work to be done in any manner in violation of the code of any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. 


 Where can I get a Building / Zoning Permit Application?


To find out where to obtain a building permit for a property, click here and enter the property address or PID.


The Olmsted County Planning Department administers all the building permit processes for permits within Byron city limits for the city of Byron. Applications are available at Search & Apply | Olmsted County, MN.

To apply for a building permit with their office, you can email/mail/drop off your application and plans:

In Person – You can bring your application and submittal materials to our office at 2122 Campus Drive, Suite 100, in Rochester. Please note that you can also drop off your permit applications and plans at the Byron City Hall.

Email –

Mail – Building Inspections 2122 Campus Dr SE, Suite 100, Rochester, MN 55904

Online – The following website can be used for online applications, payments, permit tracking, inspections and more: 

         Olmsted County Accela Citizen Access:


 What do I need to know to build a shed?


If the shed is under 200 square feet a zoning permit is required. You can contact the Community Development Director at Byron City Hall by emailing or calling 507-775-3419. The following requirements must be met;

      • Setback requirements
        1. 3 feet from any property line measuring from the eaves of the shed
        2. Sheds cannot be placed in any easement
        3. 20 feet from a side street lot line. 
        4. They cannot be located in the front yard 
      • Shall not exceed 15 feet in height measured at the peak

If the shed is over 200 square feet a zoning and building permit is required. You will have to follow the process above to pull a permit through Olmsted County Planning Department. The following requirements must be met;
      • Setback requirements
        1. 3 feet from any property line measuring from the eaves of the shed

        2. Sheds cannot be placed in any easement

        3. 20 feet from a side street lot line. 

        4. 6 feet from any existing structure.

        5. They cannot be located in the front yard 

      • Shall not exceed 15 feet in height measured at the peak
      • Must be 625 square feet or smaller
      • All buildings shall not exceed 35% lot coverage
    • If a prebuilt shed - Include manufacturer specifications and tie down information. 
    • If not prebuilt - 2 full size sets of construction plans with enough detail that someone else could build it without talking to you.
      1. Should include braced wall calculations and layout

      2. Footing and foundation size, height, type, rebar, etc.

      3. Window sizes, door sizes, header sizes, etc.

      4. Dimensions/Scale



 Where can I learn more about the Building Code?

The Olmsted County Planning Department will have all building code regulation information. You contact them by calling 507-328-7100 or emailing
